Bloody Scotland

Very excited to be heading to Stirling this weekend for Bloody Scotland!

I’ll be taking part in the debut panel on Friday 15th with my fellow authors shortlisted for the Scottish Crime Debut of the Year award – Heather Critchlow, Heather Darwent, Kate Foster, and Fulton Ross.

Afterwards there will be a torchlight procession from Stirling Castle to the Albert Halls (as crazy as that sounds!) where the prize-giving will be held.

As well as being shortlisted for the debut award, I’m also a finalist for the prestigious McIlvanney Prize for Scottish Crime Book of the Year, which is absolutely wild. Fellow nominees are Denise Mina (a previous winner of the prize), Craig Russell (a two-time winner), and Robbie Morrison (who won the debut award two years ago). I’m honoured and totally floored to be in their company.

Bring on Friday!

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